Turning Anguish into Opportunity with Andrew Harvey

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Are you committed to birthing a new era but feeling grief, shock… even anguish over recent collective developments, especially given the many crises we face?

I understand it’s very tempting right now to curl up into a ball and hide, yet we know deep down inside that hiding is NOT what we are being called to do.

I’ve got good news: Support is on the way.

Andrew Harvey, mystic, scholar, and founder of the Institute of Sacred Activism, deeply believes that our times actually offer a profound opportunity to awaken into a higher level of spiritual realization and clear-eyed, heart-centered action.

On Wednesday, January 18, Andrew will present Turning Anguish Into Opportunity: How Dark Times Can Galvanize the Next Level of Your Sacred Practice & Leadership.

Register now for free here: https://soulfulpath.com/aharveytao

Andrew is an electrifying speaker who understands exactly what ‘s required to become an empowered spiritual leader who is deeply centered, loving AND engaged.

He doesn’t offer easy platitudes, but rather calls you to awaken into the fiercely joyful love that is your birthright and your destiny…

Register now for free here: https://soulfulpath.com/aharveytao

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