Reiki Healing Summit 2022
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The free Reiki Healing Summit 2022 starts Friday Nov 11! The theme of this year’s summit is “Finding Peace in the Eye of the Storm: A Call for Peaceful Hearts on Creating A Peaceful World.” The 2022 Reiki Summit aims to take you on a deeply transformative 6-day journey of building an inner foundation of peace so you can awaken this peaceful presence within and become a more radiant and healing light in the world, able to efficiently and heartfully handle conflicts and life challenges of any kind.
You can register at and start your journey right away with 4 FREE welcoming video interviews from Torsten Lange, Andrea Kennedy, Yolanda Williams, and Johannes Reindl.
Join energy medicine pioneers in the field of Reiki, including William Lee Rand, Inamoto Hyakuten, Susan Mitchell, Frank Arjava Petter, Tina Zion, Frans Stiene, Colleen and Robyn Benelli, Nicholas Pearson, and Mari Okazaki, for the 7th global Reiki Healing Summit.
I look forward to this summit every year – I always learn something and (virtually) meet wonderful people. Maybe I’ll see you there!
Register at
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