The Psychopomp: Spirits, Shades, Souls, and Shadow-Walkers – a Workshop by Earth Traditions
Update: Earth Traditions has removed the event information from their website, so I’m leaving the post but removing the links. If you are interested in Earth Traditions and what they do, you can visit them at
I’ve posted here a number of times on psychopomp work, death midwifery, and related topics. If you feel called to that work and live within travel distance of Kenosha, WI, check out this workshop by Earth Traditions:
The Psychopomp: Spirits, Shades, Souls, and Shadow-Walkers
January 9-10, 2016 Taylor Hall, Dekoven Center, Kenosha, WI
The psychopomp has arguably never been more needed. What are often called near death experiences (NDEs) occur with greater frequency given medical technologies that save and extend life. Natural and human perpetrated disasters, as well as mass casualties in modern warfare have engendered large numbers of souls who are stuck, who become shades that knowingly or unknowingly haunt locations and spaces to which they feel attached and unable to move on.
There is a certain type of person who feels comfortable interacting with the energies and spirits of these liminal places. Not everyone can do it; it is a calling. Trust your instinct.
– Do you occasionally feel a pull to leave the familiar paths and ways of being in the world?
– Are you drawn to look behind the veil and explore the places ‘Between’?
– Do you sometimes sense the pain, despair, or weariness of those who wander those liminal spaces and have perhaps become lost in them?
– Do you intuitively know when someone who has recently died still struggles with the transition, and feel called to assist them?
– Do you experience a part of you as existing somehow outside of the accepted stages of life, and long to guide and support those who are caught within them and moving through them.
Trust the call. It is real and true.
12:00 pm Arrivals – settle in
1pm: Orientation, and Introductions: Why are we here?
2:15 Break
3:00 pm The Psychopomp in History and Myth (Lecture and Group Discussion)
4:30pm Break
4:45pm Drum Journey and Journal Time: Encountering the Psychopomp Within
5:30pm Light dinner
6:30pm Discussion/Processing of Psychopomp Journey
7:00pm Break
7:15pm Drum Journey: Helping each Other with Transitions
8:15pm Journal and Dyad Discussions
9:00pm Break
9:15pm Large Group Discussion Processing
9:45pm Introduction of Dream Incubation Task
10:00pm Dream Journeys
8:30am Continental Breakfast
9:00am Dream Theater
10:45am Break
11:00am Dream Theater (cont’d)
1:00pm Break – light lunch
1:30pm Wrap-up/Discussion
2:30pm Adjourn
Cost is $150.00 per person, includes meals and accommodations. (vegetarian and non- vegetarian) Refrigerator and microwave are available, for those with other dietary restrictions who may need to bring their own food. We regret that we cannot make a price adjustment for this.
Space is limited to 10 students.
Rooms are double occupancy only. Bathrooms are shared.
Registration is not guaranteed until your registration form and payment has been received.
For details and registration, visit Earth Traditions at:
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