The Power of Gratitude (Quote Image)
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“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.”
~ Marcus Tullius Cicero
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Jack is a healer, teacher, author, and lifelong mystic who loves helping others find and explore their own soulful paths. His personal practices include meditation, mindfulness, Reiki, and qigong.
UPDATE: Here are a couple of related resources that have been suggested to me – enjoy! Here’s an outstanding overview and tutorial on breathing techniques!…
What is energy healing? Mindvalley Academy shows Carol Tuttle’s overview in this lovely infographic! Carol shows some of the relevant healing modalities for each of…
Humans have been fascinated by stones as long as we’ve been around. And not just for their usefulness as tools or building materials – the…
Want to take better yoga photos for Instagram? Here are 8 keys to getting better pictures:
Update: The Shift Network has removed the materials for this old event, so I’ve removed those links from the post. A Free Virtual Event With…
We are all each other’s angels. ~ Jack V. Johnson