Shamana Flora: The Everyday Sacred 28 Day Journey
![Shamana Flora](
Darcey Blue of Shamana Flora has generously provided one FREE spot in this online workshop for me to give away!
At noon CST on Thursday, January 8, 2015, I will select at random one Fan of the Soulful Path Facebook Page ( That Fan will get FREE access to The Everyday Sacred 28 Day Journey, which otherwise costs $28. (Which is still a tremendous value, so if you don’t win, don’t let that stop you from signing up!)
Again, just to be clear: to be in the running to win, you must have Liked the Soulful Path Facebook Page ( at some point; everyone on the Fan list at the time I make my selection has an equal chance of winning.
Please share this with your friends, on your timeline, etc. so more people have a chance to win! (Yes, that does reduce your chances, but you know it’s the right thing to do! :) )
Start the coming year off by calling in your plant allies, creating sacred space, ceremony, and personal healing with:
Shamana Flora: The Everyday Sacred 28 Day Journey
![The Everyday Sacred - Shamana Flora](
For the length of the First Moon Cycle of 2015- Join Herbalist Darcey Blue for daily practices, journeys, challenges and plant wisdom delivered to your inbox to invite the Sacred into your EVERYDAY for 2015. Daily practices are designed to take 15-20 min, and to be simple to incorporate into your daily life. At completion you will have a toolbox available to you for the rest of the year to create sacred moments, ceremony, and connection with your plant medicines and allies on a daily basis. Includes online community sharing space.
Jan 19 – Feb 18, 2015
Join The Everyday Sacred Journey!
Darcey Blue – Herbalist, devotee of wildness and provocateur of plant magic and medicine, is your guide on this month-long journey to find the simple ways to connect with the sacred energy and healing of plant medicines on a daily basis.
These practices come from my personal explorations over the years with plants, shamanism, nature, and rewilding. I’m eager to share with you and celebrate the Sacred in your life everyday!
~~Darcey Blue
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