Evolutionary Entrepreneurs 2015 3-Day Free Video Training

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Evolutionary Entrepreneurs 2015

Update: This event has ended – I’m leaving the post, but removing the link.

There’s a free Evolutionary Entrepreneurs 3-Day Free Video Training event going on Jan 28-30th, 2015 (Wednesday-Friday) 11am-1:15pm Pacific each day.

It’s also a fundraiser for a save-the-Amazon-rainforest campaign, and if you donate $25 (entirely optional), you get some additional training & goodies as part of the Business Grab Bag.

Presenters include Bret Gregory, Sage Lavine, Neale Donald Walsch, Jennifer McLean, Panache Desai, Ocean Robbins, Rikka Zimmerman, Lynne Twist, and Stephen Dinan.

Click here to register for this free event.

This is from the email I received from Bret Gregory letting me know about the event:

Do you want your work to contribute to the evolution of humanity? Do you want to grow a business, gain financial freedom, and support the causes you love –  WITHOUT selling your soul or feeling slimy?

A team of grounded visionaries is coming together to help you make a living and make a much bigger difference this year.

Evolutionary Entrepreneurs Global Video Conference

I’m going to be joining my dear friend and colleague Sage Lavine along with Neale Donald Walsch, Jennifer McLean, Panache Desai, Ocean Robbins, Rikka Zimmerman, Lynne Twist and Stephen Dinan for this historic event…

What these experts all have in common is that we’ve activated our core essence to create tremendous impact in the world through our business.

Let us help you discover how to:

  • Design your business to make a global contribution in the world
  • Uncover a marketable niche that doesn’t limit you
  • Find what burns in you and succeed from that place
  • Tap into your core essence to market your mission
  • Create the income and impact you are here for in 2015

By joining us for this one-of-a-kind virtual event you’re also participating in saving the rain forest. Last year we raised $25,000. Let’s see if we can top it this year!

Click here to join me for the 100% complimentary Evolutionary Entrepreneurs Global Video Conference

You don’t have to figure it out alone… let us show you how we can join together to contribute to the big causes we care about. Yes, one person makes a difference. Yet… a tribe joined together makes a bigger one.

Over 35,000 change-makers from around the world have gathered each year for Sage’s free training & fundraisers to learn from the masters who are committed to helping you create the change you want to see.

Click here & join me >>>

Evolutionary Entrepreneurs Global Video Conference


PS. How cool that we can get the word out about our businesses and raise money for a world in dire need of healing, at the same time!  Join us for the Evolutionary Entrepreneurs Global Conference to learn authentic marketing to grow your financially sustainable & socially just business.  AND… discover a way to support the rain forest… the lungs of our planet.

Let’s keep in touch!

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