Dr. Lissa Rankin and Jessica Ortner – EFT / Tapping and Mind Over Medicine (video)

Dr. Lissa Rankin, author of several books on healing and the mind-body connection, chats with Jessica Ortner about EFT / Tapping, the power of our bodies to repair and heal themselves, and her book Mind Over Medicine.
I like Lissa’s explanation (at 1:30 into the video) of the sympathetic (fight-or-flight) and parasympathetic (relaxation response) modes of the nervous system and how EFT / Tapping activates the parasympathetic nervous system to allow the body’s own healing systems to engage. (This doesn’t apply only to EFT / Tapping; other modalities, such as meditation and Reiki, tap into this same healing mechanism.)
For those new to EFT / Tapping:
EFT stands for “Emotional Freedom Technique.” This is an extremely effective self-help method known as “tapping” or “meridian tapping” that is used by hundreds of thousands of people all over the world.
Emotional Freedom Techniques are beneficial for releasing negative thoughts, and behaviors which have become stored in our bodies on a cellular level.
Dr. George Goodheart is one of the forefathers of developing tapping methods that are often referred to as “emotional acupuncture.” A well-known American chiropractor, he founded a branch of chiropractic in the USA, based on a specific method of testing the body for information regarding its’ own individual needs.
A basic tenet of EFT is that a person’s emotional well-being is completely interlinked with their overall health and physical state. Our mental health plays a significant role in our healing ability and our physical health.
Psychological acupressure delivered with EFT is an excellent way to overcome emotional barriers that can make you feel “stuck” or in a rut in certain aspects of your life.
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